Our favourite Wildlife Photographer captions
Posted on by Fay Curtis.
If you visited Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2018, you’ll know that we asked you to make us laugh by captioning two of the images on display.
We had over a thousand entries and after a lot of sifting (and some Urban Dictionary consulting!) we have selected a few favourites. The winner has won a year’s family membership to Bristol Zoo Gardens.
Leg work by Jasper Doest
1. “Have I got knees for you.”
2. “My phone is more interesting than this weird animal.”
3. “I promise, a little redness is perfectly normal after your first wax”
4. “My parents were awful gender stereotypes, I wanted to be a bluebird.”
5. “I’ve been running around like a headless chicken.”
6. “Gel or acrylic?”
7. The casting team for America’s Next Top Model were shocked to discover that their request for something ‘different and exotic’ had been taken seriously this year…
8. “My eyes are up here.”
Smoke bath by Tom Kennedy
9. The rook, the rook, the rook is on fire!
10. A warm glow from down below.
11. Smoking causes crows feet.
12. “It’s not a phase mum.”
13. 25th blackbird narrowly escapes pie-baking massacre.
14. Finally got the smoking hot body I’ve always wanted.
15. Ok, we get it, you vape.
16. Chim chiminee chim chiminee chim chim che-rook.
And the winner is…
A warm glow from down below.
Do you have a favourite? Let us know in the comments. And don’t miss Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019 – coming to M Shed in November.
One comment on Our favourite Wildlife Photographer captions
This competition is a fun and welcome idea with a generous prize.
There are lots of good suggestions here and my favourite is “I promise, a little redness is perfectly normal after your first wax”.