Re-opening news!
Posted on by Fay Curtis.
We’re thrilled to announce that M Shed, Bristol Archives and Bristol Museum & Art Gallery will soon be re-opening. We can’t wait to see you!
M Shed and Bristol Archives will reopen on Tuesday 8 September. Bristol Museum & Art Gallery will reopen the following week on Tuesday 15 September.
All three sites have undergone risk assessments to ensure they are COVID secure and we have appropriate measures in place to keep everyone safe.
All visits must now be booked in advance. Pre-booking is now open. Entry is still free, although donations are always welcome.
Pre-booking a timeslot will allow us to carefully manage the number of visitors in the buildings and make sure everyone has a safe and enjoyable day. In line with government guidance, the personal details you provide upon booking may be used to support the NHS Test and Trace process to control the spread of coronavirus.
We are not taking bookings for school and group visits in September or October. Instead, we will be offering an online programme of webinars, assemblies and professional development for teachers. Find out more.
Changes to exhibitions
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve extended three exhibitions that were originally scheduled to finish during lockdown.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019 has been extended until 4 October at M Shed.
Tickets go back on sale from 1 September. Tickets purchased before lockdown remain valid but you must pre-book a timeslot.
Do you believe in magic?
Do you believe in magic? has been extended until 28 February 2021 at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. Entry is pay what you think.
Being Human: An exhibition of modern sculpture
Being Human has been extended until 5 April 2021 at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery.
Pre-Raphaelites: Dreaming of a medieval past
Sadly, the impact of the pandemic has made it necessary to cancel our Pre-Raphaelites exhibition which was due to take place at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery between May and September. We hope to bring some Pre-Raphaelite paintings to Bristol in the future. Find out more.
Vanguard | Bristol Street Art: The evolution of a global movement
Our landmark street art exhibition is still happening – just a little later than planned! It will now take place at M Shed in summer 2021. Find out more.
Your support
During this time of financial uncertainty, your support means more than ever. If you are able to, please consider making a donation to help us face the challenges ahead.
You may have spotted that we’ve launched a public appeal to support vital work on the electric cranes at M Shed. These iconic landmarks are showing significant signs of deterioration and need urgent conservation work.
Please consider making a donation to the cranes – whatever you can spare will make a big difference.