Leonardo da Vinci: Informal and drop-in events
Posted on by Fay Curtis.
by Karen MacDonald, Engagement Officer
As part of Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing, we are hosting a number of informal, drop-in events in the exhibition gallery. All activities are free with exhibition entry.
This page will be regularly updated. Please check back for any changes before you travel. You can also check Twitter for updates. Queues can form at busy times and you may have to wait for entry to the gallery.
If you’d like more details on our ticketed events, please visit the exhibition page.
Exhibition tours
Student-led tours
Every Wednesday, 2pm – 2.30pm
Students studying the History of Art at University of Bristol will lead short tours of the exhibition. No need to book. Free with exhibition entry. Students and 16-25s get free exhibition entry on Wednesdays.
Workshops and demonstrations
Within the exhibition gallery, there is a space for reading, drawing and activities. Some of the activities below also take place in other locations around the building. On dates when nothing is listed, the space is available for independent study.
Amazing inventions
Wednesday 13 February, 10am – 1pm
Join Drawing and Print students from UWE to create fantastical inventions using drawing and collage. Drop-in and open to all levels.
Drawing and doodling with Bristol Drawing Club
Saturday 23 February, 11am – 2pm
Bring your own sketchbooks and pencils for this drawing and doodle session. The group will begin in the gallery at 11am before moving around the museum. Open to all ages, backgrounds and proficiency. Find out more about Bristol Drawing Club.
Drawing flowers from an imaginary Renaissance garden
Tuesday 5 March, 10am – 1pm
Join Drawing and Print students from UWE to draw and imagine flowers and plants. With the critical eye of Leonardo, dissect and deconstruct flowers, then recreate and re-imagine new species. Drawing from life and imagination, take playful approach to drawing. Drop-in and open to all levels.
Big cats and crazy creatures
Saturday 16 March, 10.30am – 4pm
Join artist in residence Christine Allison for an exciting and fun drawing workshop. We will work together making group drawings on a BIG scale from Leonardo’s beautiful cats, lions and dragon drawings. We will look at his marks and see how he made his creatures seem rounded, furry and real. All materials provided. Drop-in and open to everyone. We will be working on the floor (grandparents take note!). Under 6’s will be given their own A4 drawing to colour in and keep.
I am Leonardo
Saturday 23 March, 10.30am – 1.30pm
Contribute to a giant scroll of drawings with artist in residence Freya Gabie. We’ll be using experimental techniques to create alternative self-portraits using touch as well as sight. How does an eye feel, as opposed to look? How do you represent that through drawing? These tactile drawings will not only focus on looking and recording the outer surface of ourselves, but also investigate more unseen aspects using marks, shapes, and surface textures in a free, playful and thoughtful way. All materials provided. Drop-in and open to everyone.
Drawing on Leonardo
Wednesday 27 March, 10am – 1pm
Break the Da Vinci code! Join Drawing and Print students from UWE to create new machines, invent new animals or recreate Leonardo’s beautiful drawings. Drop-in and open to all levels.
New ways of looking
Saturday 20 – Sunday 21 April, 10.30am – 4pm
Our #Leonardo500 artists in residence Christine Allison and Freya Gabie invite everyone to join them for some experimental drawing, using our collections as inspiration. Suitable for everyone.
Drawing and doodling with Bristol Drawing Club
Sunday 28 April, 11am – 2pm
Bring your own sketchbooks and pencils for this drawing and doodle session. The group will begin in the gallery at 11am before moving around the museum. Open to all ages, backgrounds and proficiency. Find out more about Bristol Drawing Club.