Walking Tour: Breaking the Dead Silence
A walking conversation along the Bristol harbourside to the banks of the Avon and back, hosted by three Breaking the Dead Silence authors: Rob Collin, Mark Steeds and Richard White.
Facilitated by Richard White, the hosts will share their approaches to a ‘history’ walk as reflected in their respective chapters of the new book, Breaking the Dead Silence: Engaging with Legacies of Empire and Slave-ownership in Bath and Bristol’s Memoryscapes. Visiting sites, places and artefacts that in some way reference, hold or trigger memory of empire, colonialism and atrocity, the walk picks up on some of the themes in the book. Walking, talking and listening, following story threads of wealth, exploitation and resistance, a live questioning of Bristol’s memoryscape, how it is experienced and constructed, will emerge.
The walk will take approximately 2-2.5 hours, with frequent stopping points. Terrain is largely flat hard standing, with one flight of steps. There will be some uneven ground, including walking on cobbles and across old railway lines.
Please note that the walk will begin and end outside M Shed, and no space will be available within the building to assemble before or afterwards.
Strong shoes are advised, and please come prepared for the weather.
Book tickets
Free, donations welcome.